Mirrorless Photography
Classic mirrorless photography for your event, product or place.
Videography services to tell your story, promote your event or sell your product.
Bridge the gap between project delivery and community understanding to help better embrace the outcome of convoluted and political projects.
In this era of technology, video is the preferred medium of communication to most demographics.
360° Photography
360° photography gives a unique in-person perspective of the location.
Integration with Google Street View delivers high reach levels, especially in new development areas.
Virtual Tours
Virtual Tours are the ultimate way to show off your place! Whether it’s your house, business, project or other favourite location, a Virtual Tour gives the feeling of really being in the space.
Virtual Tours are VR ready! and you can use your phone… With a simple VR headset like “Google Cardboard” you can experience your place in this new world for under $20.
Virtual Tour services can be done quickly and affordably or the option for super high resolution images. The example to the right is an example of a budget package.
Aerial Photography & Videography
Aerial media has immediate impact! It offers unique perspectives and is a great way to showcase your place.
Do you want aerial footage in a no-fly area? There is an on-the-ground alternative that delivers ‘drone’ like perspectives.
Licensed accreditation for Remotely Piloted Aircraft
Do you have a question or want to request a service?
Get in touch through the email form.